A to Z Kids Stuff: Pirates (K-6 activities) [A to Z Kids Stuff]
Beej's Pirate Image
Archive [Brian "Beej" Hall]
Blackbeard! [Ocracoke Island Coastal Guide]
The Buccaneer Trading Company - the
First and Only website dedicated to Pirate books and artifacts
Canadian Maritime Law
The Canadian
Privateer Homepage [Dan Conlin]
Morgan's Journal bibiliographies and links [Max Fellwalker]
Defiant Women: Pirates [Cath Reese]
Encyclopirate au Francaise [Roger Cantin] Archived
Expedition Whydah site devoted to the
pirate shipwreck Whydah--the only documented pirate wreck ever discovered
Famous Pirates [Hopkins Press for North Coast Boat Sales] Archived
"The fight against
Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships" International Maritime Organization
article [United Nations]
Fordham International
Law Journal has good Admiralty Law section
Historical Female Pirates [Katy Berry]
Institute of Maritime Law University
of Southampton England
International Chamber of Commerce
Commercial Crime Services International Maritime Bureau (IMB)
Maritime Bureau Piracy Center
Maritime Bureau Piracy Center Weekly Piracy Report
Isle of Tortuga [M. Bruyneel] (reported as gone 4/6/01 but now back!)
L'ESPRIT DES PIRATES au Francaise [Olivier Kalina] (gone 4/6/01)
La. Challenge Activities for the K-12 Classroom: Pirates [Patricia Elkins]
Legends - Pirates & Privateers [Paula Katherine Marmor]
Maritime Security & Counter-Piracy
Operations Center Commercial maritime security firm
Modern Piracy [Mark Bruyneel]
The Most
Noted Pirates, Buccaneers, Corsairs & Privateers [Richard Konkolski]
Geographic Kids' Pirates!
The New England Pirate
No Quarter Given (Pirate
Oceans & Law of the Sea
UN department dealing directly maritime law and enforcement procedures.
"Phantom ships: piracy's
newest twist in Asia" from
Marinewatch a quarterly
journal edited by John Grissim (gone 4/6/01)
The Pirate
Pirates (Links page) [Philip R. "Pib" Burns]
Pirates! [ThinkQuest team number 16438]
Pirates [Glenda Crew]
Pirates [Kaji] (gone 4/6/01)
Pirates [Atocha Treasure Company]
Pirates! au Francaise [J.M.G. Le Cl�zio] Archived
Pirates & Privateers [Dueling Modems' BBS]
Pirate's Cove [Robert "Pirate King" Ossian]
Fact or Fiction [University of Texas class project by Jennifer Wiley] (gone 4/6/01)
Pirates Homepage [Rochedale State School/Glenda Crew]
- The Pirate's
Library Bibligraphy on historical piracy [Fern Canyon Press]
Pirates of the Bahamas [Interknowledge Corp.]
Pirates Of The
Bahamas an Official Site of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism
Pirates of the Caribbean, in Fact & Fiction [Walter Tobias Gibson]
Pirates of Nassau [Pirates of Nassau Museum]
The Pirates
of Penzance Homepage [Jim Farron, Archive Curator, Gilbert & Sullivan Archive]
The Pirates
of Penzance Clip Art Catalog.
Pirates of the span class="archived"ish Main (game) [WizKids, Inc.]
Pirates of the span class="archived"ish Main [Advanced Image]
Pirates of the Whydah [National Geographic]
Pirates, Privateers, and Buccaneers Theme Page (Links page) [Community Learning Network/Open School BC]
Pirates Week Festival (National Festival of the Cayman Islands) [Pirates Week Administration]
Queen Anne's Revenge North Carolina project to protect, document, recover, and interpret the shipwreck of the flagship of Blackbeard the pirate
Quest for a
Pirate Web site created in conjunction with Edinburgh (Scotland) City Arts Centre Pirates' Exhibition
Scurvey Dogs [D. Vokey]
Suite 101.com: Pirates & Privateers [Cindy Vallar]
Thistles & Pirates: Pirates & Privateers - The History of Maritime Piracy [Cindy Vallar, Editor & Reviewer]
of Houston Law Center (Admiralty collection)
Vantage Systems Inc.
World Piracy Index
- Web Index of Piracy
When Blackbeard
Scourged the Seas [Colonial Williamsburg]
Wikipedia: Pirates [Wikipedia]
The Worldpaper Online Online Asian
regional papers which frequently touch on the topic of piracy
"Sea Wolves Feasting" by John Grissim
"Sea Wolves Feasting: The Highjacking of the Anna Sierra"
Yacht Piracy [Klaus Hympendahl]