Naval and Maritime
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Naval and Maritime: Links Pages
AboarD NautiLinks [AboarD] Jobs/Careers > U.S. Military > Navy [Rod Powers/] Jobs/Careers > U.S. Military > Marines [Rod Powers/] Jobs/Careers > U.S. Military > Coast Guard [Rod Powers/]
Another Merchant Marine Page - Maritime Links [Greg Hayden]
Armed Forces of the World from the War, Peace and Security Guide [Canadian Forces College]
Cyber Navy Submarine Base Houston Texas [Al Beaupre] (gone 6/19/00)
Dave Naess' Maritime Links [Dave Naess]
Don Nugent's Web Page (Maritime links) [Don Nugent]
Direito Mar�timo e Direito do Mar A concise guide to maritime Law resources on the Internet (Portugese) [Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão of the Instituto Politécnico de Beja]
Down to the  Sea Dot Com [Bob Jeffrey]
Euro-Maritime Internet resource for the european maritime community
D.R. Webb's Maritime, Merchant Marine, Ships and Nautical Links [Captain Dennis Webb]
Fairplay's Database of Shipping Sites On The Web  [Fairplay Publications Limited]
International Maritime Organization Library Directory of Maritime Links [International Maritime Organization]
John's Nautical Links List [John Kohnen]
Ken Olsen's Sea Lanes [Ken Olsen]
Marine Corps Links [W. R. Beddoe (Cpl. USMC 1981-1985)]
Mariner's All-In-One Page [Massachusetts Maritime Academy]
Maritime History on the Internet [Peter McCracken]
Maritime Global Net [Maritime Information Systems]
Maritime Links [Hoffmann Services]
Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page [Mark Rosenstein]
Merchant Marine and Maritime Pages [Rick Boggs] [VanGuard Consultants, LLC]
Nautalia WorldWide Directory for Nautical Webs
Naval History Links from the War, Peace and Security Guide [Canadian Forces College]
Naval & Maritime Links [Andrew Toppan]
Naval Web Sites Official USN link page [Navy Online]
Navylinks [MultiEducator]
NSnet Subject Index [NSNet/University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute]
Open Directory: Business: Industries: Transportation: Ships and Shipping [Alexander Fernandez, Alaknanda Mukherjee]
(Note: the Open Directory: Society: Military: Navy category (editors: [Greg Sommers, Dean "Scott" Fredrickson, Ron Gamble, Walter Schmidt, Jens Didriksen]) has been discontinued; see any of the three categories below instead.)
Open Directory: Regional: North America: United States: Government: Military: Navy [cochrane,sentry]
Open Directory: Science: Engineering and Technology: Military: Naval
Open Directory: Society: Military: Ships
! PORT - Maritime Information Gateway [National Maritime Museum (UK)]
Rongstad's Military Links [Richard Rongstad]
Shipping Lanes from Merchant Marine & Maritime page [Rick Boggs]
Submarine Links [C-Questor Submarine]
The Maritime History Virtual Archives [Lars Bruzelius]
The Military Network [Robert (Gunny) Hiles & Dale R Smith]
The Resource for Maritime Law [Philip E. Weiss]
The USS Navy Homepage (gone 1/18/97)
Vulture's Row Home Page (Naval Aviation) [Robin J. Lee]
Virtual Naval Hospital [Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D.]
WWWVL Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide: > Maritime Industry [Todd Kenyon]
WWWVL Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide: > Reference > Vessel Listings/Locators [Todd Kenyon]
Yahoo : Business and Economy : Transportation : Maritime
Yahoo : Government : U.S. Government : Military : Navy
WebRing Indices (# sites in ring as of 10/31/01; former number of sites as of 6/19/00 listed for sites whose population has declined. Many Web rings suffered seriously as a result of the transition of the leading service to ownership by Yahoo!, and some rings have relocated.)
41 For Freedom Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines (41)
Aircraft Carriers of the World (77)
American Military History Webring (10; was 55)
Australian Marine Rescue Web Ring (18)
Australian Maritime Webring (67; was 106)
Band of Brothers USMC (188; was 631)
British Military History (194)
Busting the Phonies Sites exposing fake SEALs, MOH winners, POWs and Vietnam Vets (2) (was 10)
Chain-Locker (Coast Guard) (20; was 47)
Civil War Navy Ring (gone 10/31/01; was 15)
The CPO Anchor Chain (131)
Coastguard WebRing International but primarily UK (26)
Der Deutsche U-Boot & Marine-Ring (101)
Dutch Navy ring (17)
Elite Navy SEALs Webring  (7; was 14)
The Few The Proud The Marines SiteRing (38)
Fleet Air Arm Web Ring Royal Navy (27)
French Navy Ring (14)
Great Destroyers of the US Navy (46; was 51)
Gulf War Webring (166)
Historic Navy Ships (54)
The Home Front (USCG spouses) (gone 10/31/01; was 6)
The HMS Ganges Association SiteRing (28)
The International Maritime Ring (202[?]; was 323)
I Love My Navy Sailor (30)
The ~* I Love My Sailor *~ SiteRing (11)
Intruder Ring (23)
JROTC Webring (22; was 205)
The Korean War Web Ring (27; was 47)
Marine Air Traffic Control (15)
Marine Wives Ring (18; was 35)
Marines Around The World (10; was 39)
Military Control Center (1011)
NavRing (284; was 526)
NavShips HistoryRing (364; was 376)
NAVetsUSA (55; was 86)
Navy Minesweepers (37)
Navy Mustangs (11)
Navy Spouse Webring (12; was 49)
Nelson (6)
NJROTC Webring (6; was 10)
The Operation: Arlington Ridge SiteRing USMC Anniversary Celebration (28)
Operation Just Cause (POW/MIA issues) (1298)
Pirate Ring (6; was 16)
QGS' US Navy SEALs Webring (12)
Royal Dutch Marine Corps WEBRING (7)
The Royal Navy (6)
Royal Navy Interests (14)
Royal Navy Web-Ring (63; was 104)
Sea Cadet Webring (14; was 47)
Sea Scout Webring (91; was 98)
SEALs webring (18; was 53)
Semper Fi (5; was 8)
The Silent Service Ring (154; was 228)
Squidring (19)
Steel Roses of the Navy (29)
! The Submarine Ring (36)
Tall Ships (99)
United States Marine Corps Webring (55; was 99)
The US Inland Waterways SiteRing (13)
U.S. Merchant Marine Ring (12; was 25)
US Naval and Marine Attack Squadrons (17)
U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (1; was 27)
The U.S. Navy Seabees Ring (71)
US Navy Wives Ring (4)
The USS Arizona and Pearl Harbor SiteRing [no commercial sites] (23)
Veterans Service Organizations Ring (37; was 75)
Vietnam Veterans of America (62)
VRC-50 RING (14)
War at Sea (62)
War at Sea [RingSurf] (4)
The Woman Marine Webring (2; was 8)
Young Marines Webring (7)
The Young Military Wives' Webring (32; was 103)
Titanic WebRings
dreamboat.. (2; was 104)
Forever Titanic Ring  (9; was 12 [was 78!])
Full Circle: The Titanic Ring (127; was 327 [was 613!])
M0LLYBROWN's Titanic Webring (4 [was 84!])
An Ocean Of Memories (41)
RMS Titanic Web Ring (206)
Ship Of Dreams (9; was 70)
[TOP] Last updated January 29, 2006 by Ray Trygstad, LCDR USN (Ret)
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