The United States
Naval Academy
Alumni Online Community

The Gouge
After Steering
The Web Wardroom
Shore Lines
Port Captain

Port Captain Pages
Homeport staff

Port Captain

All about Homeport: navigating, who did this, how it was done... 

Homeport is maintained as a service and resource for alumni by the Homeport staff. It includes information of specific interest to USNA alumni, links to the homepages of alumni, and "unofficial" news and information about the Naval Academy, as well as any material submitted specifically for the page. It is NOT officially connected with the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association or the United States Naval Academy. Please read the disclaimer for full details.

If you are an alumnus checking in here for the first time, please let us know what you think. If you have a World Wide Web homepage PLEASE let us know by going into the Wardroom and mustering in so we can list your homepage here. If you have an item of interest to other alumni, please submit it via e-mail here with a subject line that reads "ALUMNI HOMEPAGE SUBMISSION"; it will be translated to HTML and linked to the homepage. Also, please read the disclaimer.

Establishing USNA Alumni presence on the Internet is an ongoing effort; please see the Editor's Plea in the Web Wardroom for details of current plans.

If anyone else is interested in working on Homeport Web pages, please let us know by e-mail to [email protected].

Navigating in Homeport

Moving around in Homeport should be pretty simple; all of the main pages are listed in the blue bar at the left side of your screen. Within each main page, the major pages for that section are listed there as well. To return to the Front Page, just select the word "Homeport" at the top of the blue bar.

Technical Details

The original version of Homeport was written in raw HTML using the UNIX Pico text editor; the current version was created in AOLPress 1.2, which has greatly speeded the development time. AOLPress is a great product, and best of all, it's free! Homeport strives to be HTML 3.2 compliant. This means that all elements used on the pages comply with the HTML 3.2 standard. All pages were completely overhauled in AIOLPress 2.0 during the week of July 12, 1998, and in the next update will move to HTML 4.0 compliance. Standards for Homeport pages are found in our online standards document.

The Homeport Staff

Here is the current Homeport staff!

New 12/03/96; last update Wed Jul 15 11:06:48 1998 by Ray Trygstad '77. © Copyright 1998 Andúril Design, Naperville, IL