From: David A Hinkkanen <[email protected]>

Ray, please post the nomination package on Homeport. VADM Martin, the Nominating Committee Chairman desires all current or life members be able to nominate candidates for the open positions.

RADM Marryott is finishing up a West Coast visit to the Chapters out there, and better access to the nominating forms was a question he got.

June 12, 1996


SUBJECT: Nominating Committee


By-Laws require appointment of 7-member Nominating Committee before July 1

At Enclosure (1) is a proposed precept letter from you to the nominating committee chairman. This letter appoints members of the committee, provides time lines for the committee, reminds the board of the need for "equitable distribution" of Trustees, and provides the committee with information pertaining to the current makeup of the Alumni Association and the Board.

At Enclosure (2) is a proposed list of the nominating committee.

Chairman Appointments

At the December 1993 (?) meeting, it was proposed and voted that the Chairman of the Board could have up to 3 trustees on the Board. Currently, the Chairman has none. For whatever reason, this vote is not reflected in the By-laws, however, it is in the minutes.

What this means is that the Chairman can appoint 3 trustees without presenting them to the membership for vote. Since there are 4 Trustees-At-Large whose terms expire in Spring 1997, the Chairman could task the committee with producing from 1 to 4 trustee nominees, with the Chairman's appointment (s) rounding out the total. Note that this will also include, in addition, a Vice Chairman, Central Area.

I will be pleased to discuss this with you at your earliest opportunity.

R. Brandquist



Must have 1 Chapter Trustee
Must have 2 Trustees-At-Large

VADM Francis R. Donovan, USN (Ret.) '59    East
RADM Michael G. Mullen, USN '68            East, Trustee-At-Large
CDR Charles A. Zingler, USN '80            East, Trustee-At-Large
CAPT Roy Girod, SC, USN '53                Central, Trustee-At-Large
CAPT Neil Block, CEC, USNR (Ret.) '61      Central
Mr. Michael S. Midgley '85                 West
CAPT Stephen M. Andres, USNR '67           West, Chapter Trustee
Ms. Heather E. Carrington '84              Central, Trustee-At-Large